
The waterhouse at south bund

New hotel in Shanghai: The Waterhouse at South Bund

The big game

Soccer fever may draw devoted crowds to South Africa this June but it’s the allure of a luxury safari experience that will keep the tourists coming.

April 2010 food hunting

Submit a photo of your favourite restaurant dish and win a bottle of Sicilian wine worth $80.

Blend it like arteastiq

Spotlight on Arteastiq Tea Lounge

Native interests

Telmo Rodriguez is on a mission to resurrect abandoned vineyards in Spain.

Best bars in Singapore

It wasn’t long ago when going to a bar meant taking a chance with flat beers and stale peanuts. But a new generation of watering holes offers specialty cocktails, expert mixologists and a cooler-than-thou ambience, taking tipple enjoyment to new heights.

Traditional activist

Two years after his verbal attack on molecular gastronomy, three Michelin star chef Santi Santamaria isn’t retracting his words.

Japanese sunday brunch at Triple Three

Mandarin Orchard serves up Singapore’s first Japanese hotel buffet brunch.


The epicure team goes undercover to review Tuscan restaurant Palio at Resorts World Sentosa.



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